Sunday, December 20, 2009



If you were to change one event or chapter from the Iliad, and replace it with your own story, what chapter or episode will what be?

If I were to change one event or chapter from the Iliad, and replace it with my own story, I will change the battle between the two great armies, the Greeks and the Trojans. In the story the two great armies was led by their greatest and strongest warrior, Achilies and Hector. I want to change this event and make it more impressive. My version is entitled:


The war between the Greeks and the Trojans will be held in the land of Troy. When Zeus heard the war between the two great armies he immediately told the other gods about the war. When the day of the war came the Greeks went to the land of Troy to start the battle. The two armies prepared themselves and begin the war. The Trojans first take charge and the Greeks fight back and started to clash. The two great armies don't want loose and they fight for their lives. Zeus tried to stop the war but Ares (the god of war) interrupted Zeus. When Ares interrupted Zeus, Zeus cast a strong spell called thunder wrath to Ares, but Ares survived Zeus' spell. After that Ares attacked Zeus immediadtely, and killed Zeus. The other gods saw how Ares killed Zues. The other gods got angry and attack Ares. They together fight and killed Ares for Zeus. After that the gods stopped the war between the Trojans and Greeks and explained about the two gods who wasted their life. Achilies and Hector talk to each other and stopped the war for the gods. And the land of Troy was left peacefully.

Saturday, December 5, 2009



a) As a god, what forces can he control? What forces make him powerless?

Zeus is the king of gods and the god if lightning. Zeus's symbol as the god of lightning is the thunderbolt. As a king of gods and god of lightning, He can control the forces of war. And the forces that make him powerless are the forces of the deception or the imposture of the other gods.

b) What weaknesses does he show in the given chapters? Cite textual proof.
Zeus showed his weakness in book 14. "Hera spots Zeus on Mount Ida, overlooking Troy, and devises a plan to distract him so that she may help the Achaeans behind his back. She visits Aphrodite and tricks her into giving her an enchanted breastband into which the powers of Love and Longing are woven, forceful enough to make the sanest man go mad. She then visits the embodiment of Sleep, and by promising him one of her daughters in marriage, persuades him to lull Zeus to sleep. Sleep follows her to the peak of Mount Ida; disguised as a bird, he hides in a tree. Zeus sees Hera, and the enchanted band seizes him with passion. He makes love to Hera and, as planned, soon falls asleep. Hera then calls to Poseidon, telling him that he now has free rein to steer the Achaeans to victory. Poseidon regroups them, and they charge the Trojans. In the ensuing scuffle, Great Ajax knocks Hector to the ground with a boulder, and the Trojans must carry the hero back to Troy. With Hector gone, the Achaeans soon trounce their enemies, and Trojans die in great numbers as the army flees back to the city." The weaknesses that Zeus showed are getting in trouble over love affairs. And Zeus fall upon goddess and mortal woman alike.

c) Relate his weak and strong characteristics to someone you know today.

Zeus weakness is women, he was passionately fond of female charms. Many men today are also passionately fond of female charms especially the youth. Zeus has also a strong characteristics like being charming, strong and persuasive. Many men today especially the youth are also strong, charming and persuasive like Zeus even though he got trouble over affairs. And I learned that we should fight our weakness and continue our strong characteristics.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Compare and contrast the battle scene between Hector and the Great Ajax in the movie TROY from their real battle according to Homer.

The battle scene between Hector and the Great Ajax in the movie TROY:

The real battle between Hector and the Great Ajax:

Hector and Ajax begin their duel by tossing spears. They then use their lances, and Ajax draws Hector’s blood. They are about to clash with swords when heralds, spurred by Zeus, call off the fight on account of nightfall. They exchange gifts and end their duel with a pact of friendship.

The battle scene between Hector and the Great Ajax in the movie troy is brutal and full of anger while in the real battle between Hector and the Great Ajax is fair with a pact of friendship. In the movie troy Hector won the fight against the Great Ajax by stabbing his sword to Ajax's stomach while in the real battle between the two was spurred by Zeus and they exchange gift and end their duel. Both in the movie and in the book Hector and Great Ajax gave their best and were determined to win the duel. And Hector and Great Ajax are both brave, wise, strong and great warrior.

If I were Homer, I would disagree the movie version of the fight between the two because it is too brutal and full of anger unlike in the book the real battle of the two was spurred by Zeus and end their duel with a pact of friendship. In my opinion being your friend is better than being your enemy. And if I were Homer, I would disagree because I would rather see peace than war.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Who is the nobler/greater/honorable man between Paris and Menelaus?
I think that Menelaus is nobler, greater & honorable man than Paris because in the story "Paris, the Trojan prince who precipitated the war by stealing the beautiful Helen from her husband, Menelaus, challenges the Achaeans to single combat with any of their warriors. When Menelaus steps forward, however, Paris loses heart and shrinks back into the Trojan ranks. Hector, Paris’s brother and the leader of the Trojan forces, chastises Paris for his cowardice. Stung by Hector’s insult, Paris finally agrees to a duel with Menelaus, declaring that the contest will establish peace between Trojans and Achaeans by deciding once and for all which man shall have Helen as his wife. Hector presents the terms to Menelaus, who accepts. Both armies look forward to ending the war at last.

As Paris and Menelaus prepare for combat, the goddess Iris, disguised as Hector’s sister Laodice, visits Helen in Priam’s palace. Iris urges Helen to go to the city gates and witness the battle about to be fought over her. Helen finds the city’s elders, including Priam, gathered there. Priam asks Helen about the strapping young Achaeans he sees, and she identifies Agamemnon, Ajax, and Odysseus. Priam marvels at their strength and splendor but eventually leaves the scene, unable to bear watching Paris fight to the death.

Paris and Menelaus arm themselves and begin their duel. Neither is able to fell the other with his spear. Menelaus breaks his sword over Paris’s helmet. He then grabs Paris by the helmet and begins dragging him through the dirt, but Aphrodite, an ally of the Trojans, snaps the strap of the helmet so that it breaks off in Menelaus’s hands. Frustrated, Menelaus retrieves his spear and is about to drive it home into Paris when Aphrodite whisks Paris away to his room in Priam’s palace. She summons Helen there too. Helen, after upbraiding Paris for his cowardice, lies down in bed with him. Back on the battlefield, both the Trojans and the Greeks search for Paris, who seems to have magically disappeared. Agamemnon insists that Menelaus has won the duel, and he demands Helen back."

Today many people are similar characteristics to Paris and Menelaus. Many people cheat and steal other person, they don't care on other person's feeling because they just think only for themselves like Paris. Meanwhile, many people are fighting for their love ones and for their dignity like Menelaus who fight for his wife. My opinion is that Menelaus is nobler, greater & honorable man than Paris because he don'd cheat and steal but he fights for his love ones and for his dignity unlike Paris.